
Occiput.io in an open source software for Tomographic reconstruction based on GPU computing and on Python.
The design of occiput.io makes it extremely easy to reconstruct tomographic images starting from the raw data produced by imaging systems: PET, PET-MRI and SPECT. Occiput.io is designed for GPU computing, it’s blazing fast.
To date, Occiput and the NiftyRec ray-tracer (on which Occiput is based), have been downloaded more than 12000 times.

The design of occiput.io enables 2D, 3D (volumetric) and 4D (spatio-temporal) dynamic tomographic imaging, joint reconstruction of multiple parameters (e.g. MLAA), motion-aware imaging and more.

Occiput enables the interactive tomographic reconstruction in the cloud, using Jupyter and IPython.

A Python package implementing the interface to the Siemens Biograph mMR PET-MRI scanner (including access to raw listmode data, sinograms, scatter data, physiological data) is available upon request (occiput.reconstruction@gmail.com). Authorization from Siemens will be required.

To get started with Occiput, click on the link to the project source code below and follow the installation instructions. The source code contains Jupyter notebooks with documentation and examples.

Also check out the Videos and Presentations to see what Occiput is about.