This page contains presentations that we have given at conferences to describe and its applications. – Tomographic Vision. Presented at the Workshop on Open Source Software in Medical Imaging, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2015 (NSS-MIC), San Diego, USA.
PET-MRI reconstruction of attenuation of metal implants. Published in JNM 2017 (see publications section).
Bayesian Tomographic Reconstruction using Riemannian Markov Chain Monte Carlo.Presented at the International Conference on Medical Image computing and Computer Aided Interventions 2015 (MICCAI). Munich, Germany.
Bayesian Tomographic Reconstruction using Riemannian Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Presented at the International Conference on Medical Image computing and Computer Aided Interventions 2015 (MICCAI). Munich, Germany. Animation.
4-D PET-MR with Volumetric Navigators and Compressed Sensing. Presented at the International Conference on Medical Image computing and Computer Aided Interventions 2014 (MICCAI), CMMI. Boston, USA.
An Inference Language for Imaging. Presented at the International Conference on Medical Image computing and Computer Aided Interventions 2014 (MICCAI), BAMBI. Boston, USA.
Hidden states of function and anatomy. Presented at SIAM Imaging Science 2014, Hong Kong.
Learning the characteristics of Gamma detectors. Presented at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2014 (NSS-MIC), Seattle.
Probabilistic Graphical Models for Tomographic Imaging. Presented at University College London (UCL), November 2013.